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I specialize in couples therapy. The majority of my caseload at any given time is dedicated to therapeutic work with couples. Because of this focus I have experience supporting couples through a wide variety of challenges, including those listed below.



Poor communication can have a profoundly detrimental impact on a relationship, as it hinders the healthy exchange of thoughts, emotions, and needs between partners. Misunderstandings and unresolved conflicts often arise when communication is ineffective or lacking. Partners may feel unheard, invalidated, or unimportant, leading to feelings of frustration and disconnection. Over time, poor communication can erode trust, intimacy, and emotional closeness, causing the relationship to become distant and unsatisfying. Without clear and open communication, issues remain unresolved, resentment can build, and partners may drift apart. Addressing and improving communication patterns is essential to fostering a strong and thriving relationship, as it enables partners to understand each other better, resolve conflicts, and express love and support effectively.

Sexual Intimacy

Sexual issues can significantly impact a relationship, as physical intimacy is an essential aspect of emotional connection and bonding between partners. Challenges in the bedroom, such as differences in sexual desire, performance issues, or discomfort, can lead to frustration, insecurity, and decreased intimacy. Unresolved sexual issues may create tension, communication barriers, and feelings of rejection, leading to emotional distance in the relationship. Partners may avoid discussing the problem due to embarrassment or fear of judgment, further exacerbating the issue. Left unaddressed, sexual issues can lead to feelings of dissatisfaction and resentment, putting strain on the overall relationship. Addressing sexual concerns through open communication, empathy, and professional help if necessary can promote understanding and strengthen the emotional and physical connection between partners.


Emotional and physical abuse can profoundly and destructively impact a relationship. Emotional abuse, characterized by manipulation, belittlement, and control, erodes the victim's self-esteem and emotional well-being, fostering a toxic dynamic of fear and dependency. Physical abuse, involving acts of violence and aggression, causes both immediate and lasting harm to the victim's physical and mental health, perpetuating a climate of fear and distrust. Both forms of abuse lead to a breakdown of trust, communication, and intimacy in the relationship, creating a cycle of trauma and power imbalances. Victims may suffer from psychological trauma, anxiety, depression, and even physical injuries, while abusers may experience feelings of guilt and shame. Healing from such abuse often necessitates professional intervention, support, and a commitment to safety and personal growth for both individuals involved. Ultimately, abusive behaviors have no place in a healthy relationship, and seeking help to break free from such destructive patterns is crucial for the well-being of both partners.


Sexual affairs can have devastating consequences on a relationship, shaking its foundation of trust, intimacy, and emotional security. The discovery of a sexual affair can cause intense feelings of betrayal, hurt, and anger in the betrayed partner, leading to emotional distress and a shattered sense of self-worth. The unfaithful partner may experience guilt, shame, and remorse for their actions. The breach of trust can result in deep emotional wounds that may take a long time to heal. The couple often faces challenges in rebuilding trust, navigating communication, and addressing the underlying issues that contributed to the affair. While some relationships might recover with extensive effort, others may not survive the aftermath of a sexual affair, leading to separation or divorce. Healing and moving forward require both partners to be committed to honest communication, seeking professional help if needed, and working together to rebuild a foundation of trust and mutual respect.


Addiction and substance use can profoundly impact a relationship, leading to a range of emotional, psychological, and interpersonal challenges. The addicted individual's behaviors, driven by cravings and dependence, often result in broken promises, dishonesty, and neglect of responsibilities. This erosion of trust and communication can lead to feelings of betrayal, frustration, and helplessness in the partner. The addicted person may prioritize their substance use over the relationship, leading to emotional distance and isolation. Financial strain, legal issues, and deteriorating physical and mental health can further exacerbate the relationship's stress. Codependent patterns may develop, with the non-addicted partner enabling the addictive behavior unintentionally. However, with appropriate support, open communication, and professional intervention, it is possible for couples to address addiction's impact, seek recovery together, and work towards healing and rebuilding a healthier, more resilient relationship.

Mental Health

Serious mental health issues can significantly impact a relationship, affecting both partners' emotional well-being and the overall dynamics of the partnership. The partner experiencing mental health challenges may struggle with emotional regulation, erratic behavior, or withdrawal, leading to difficulties in communication and intimacy. The other partner may feel overwhelmed by the responsibility of providing support and care, leading to feelings of frustration and exhaustion. Serious mental health issues can also disrupt daily routines, financial stability, and social interactions, adding further strain on the relationship. The lack of understanding about the condition and its effects may lead to misunderstandings, blame, or isolation. Coping with these challenges requires patience, empathy, and open communication from both partners, as well as seeking professional support and resources to navigate the complexities of the mental health condition together.


Neurodiversity, encompassing natural variations in neurological functioning, can significantly impact a relationship. Couples in neurodiverse relationships may face challenges in communication, emotional expression, and social interactions due to different cognitive styles and processing. Sensory sensitivities, organizational difficulties, and hyperfocus on specific interests can also influence the dynamics of the relationship. However, neurodiversity can bring unique strengths, such as varied perspectives and heightened empathy, enriching the partnership. Successful navigation of neurodiversity in a relationship requires understanding, patience, open communication, and a willingness to accommodate and appreciate each partner's distinctive traits and contributions. Seeking specialized support through couples therapy can facilitate greater understanding and promote a healthy, fulfilling relationship for both partners.

High Conflict

High conflict in a relationship can be incredibly damaging, creating a toxic and hostile environment for both partners. Constant arguments, disagreements, and unresolved issues can lead to emotional exhaustion, stress, and a sense of hopelessness. The heightened tension can erode trust, intimacy, and communication, making it challenging to find common ground or reach compromises. Partners may feel emotionally disconnected and unsupported, leading to feelings of loneliness and dissatisfaction. High conflict can also negatively impact the well-being of any children involved and create a chaotic and unstable home environment. Breaking free from this cycle of conflict requires a commitment to healthy communication, conflict resolution skills, and potentially seeking professional help to address underlying issues and create a more harmonious and fulfilling relationship.


Trauma can profoundly impact a relationship, as the effects of past traumatic experiences can reverberate into the present, influencing the emotional and behavioral dynamics between partners. Trauma survivors may experience flashbacks, emotional numbness, or hyperarousal, which can lead to difficulties in communication and emotional intimacy. Partners may struggle to understand and support each other in processing their individual trauma responses, leading to feelings of isolation and frustration. Trust and emotional safety may be compromised, as the effects of trauma can trigger feelings of vulnerability and fear. Trauma can also manifest in maladaptive coping mechanisms, such as substance abuse or avoidance, further straining the relationship. Rebuilding a healthy connection after trauma requires empathy, patience, and professional assistance to navigate the healing process and foster a supportive, resilient partnership.

Chronic Illness

Chronic illness can profoundly impact a relationship, reshaping the dynamics between partners and presenting new challenges to navigate together. The partner with the chronic illness may experience physical limitations, pain, and fluctuations in health, which can lead to emotional distress and feelings of guilt for burdening their partner. The caregiving partner may feel overwhelmed, anxious, or uncertain about how to provide adequate support and care. The couple may experience shifts in roles and responsibilities, potentially leading to feelings of imbalance or resentment. Intimacy and communication may be affected as the focus shifts to managing the illness and its impact on daily life. Coping with chronic illness as a couple requires open and compassionate communication, mutual understanding, and a willingness to adapt to the changing circumstances. Seeking support from healthcare professionals and support groups can be beneficial in navigating the challenges of chronic illness and fostering a strong, empathetic, and resilient relationship.


The death of a loved one can deeply impact a relationship, introducing a complex interplay of grief, communication challenges, shifting priorities, and coping styles. Emotional strain and differing support networks can create a sense of isolation, while changes in roles, responsibilities, and financial dynamics can add stress. The intimacy and physical connection between partners might also be affected, as they navigate shared memories and triggers that evoke both comfort and pain. While this experience can strain a relationship, it also offers an opportunity for resilience and growth as partners learn to communicate, support, and adapt to each other's evolving emotional needs. The profound emotional responses to loss can sometimes lead to misunderstandings and conflicts, as partners may cope differently and struggle to communicate effectively. However, facing the challenges of grief together can ultimately foster a deeper bond, enabling couples to find strength in shared experiences and emerge with a heightened capacity for empathy and mutual support.




It's important that both you and your partner feel comfortable working with your couples therapist in Denver, Colorado. Schedule a free video consultation and we can discuss your hopes for couples therapy, answer and address any questions or concerns, and together decide if this feels like a good fit.

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